Sustainable Merchandise
Let’s be honest – there are a lot of premium products out there. Why would sustainability matter?
We have a few reasons:
Brand & strategic alliance
We work with you to thoroughly understand your brand and strategic goals. We make sure the premiums we find match up with what you’re trying to do. And really, no matter what business you’re in, your company is built to last a lifetime. What better way to show you’re in it for the long-haul than by showing you’re finding sustainable ways to produce and sell your products/services? If you’re going to be around forever, the resources you use better last forever as well (or at least be able to be recycled and reused again).
Consumer relevance
We may be biased, but it seems more and more consumers are paying attention to how safe and environmentally-friendly brands are. So in our quest to find the right premium for your audience, we find one that makes the recipient feel better for getting it. It’s a strong combination.
On budget and on time
It goes without saying that as nice as sustainability is, money is as scarce a resource as anything. So we make sure to stay within budget, and deliver your merchandise on time.